Tuesday, February 27, 2018



by Meanne M. Mijares
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
Luke 9:23 English Standard Version (ESV)
The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ stands for our faith in Him and His mystical body, the Church. He carried the cross to redeem and save us from sin and moral decay. This coming Holy Week, let us take the road where the Lord walked all the way up to Calvary.
Crosses, big or small, come in so many forms. It could be a sickness, family problem or crisis, bullying in school or workplace, a failed marriage, divorce, annulment, broken family, the pain of heartbreak and coping with lost opportunities, loved ones. The list goes on.
Our Lord Jesus carried the cross not only to save us from eternal punishment because of our sins but He also expressed His oneness with us in times of our suffering (emotionally, physically, financially and even spiritually). He sees and knows the pain we feel. He fell thrice on the way to Calvary. Our crosses take a heavy toll on us. We get stressed out and drained, even reaching the point of giving up and losing hope then almost breaking down into depression.
Had the Lord given up when He could easily do right there and then, we are all doomed to die and receive the terrible punishment that we so deserve because of our sins. But He still thought of us that is why He did not give up on us. And for that He conquered death because He was focused and determined to attain salvation for us! He gloriously rose from the dead!
We are Christians, followers of Jesus Christ. He carried the Cross. And so should we. By carrying our daily crosses, we take part in His glory, we partake of eternal life.
Jesus is with you as you take up and carry your cross. He will give you the strength and endurance that you need through and through.
Never be ashamed of the Cross. Embrace the Cross. Carry the Cross. Because our Savior is in the Cross! He died on the Cross! Remember how much He suffered for the love of you and me.
Remember, In hoc signo vinces “In this sign you will conquer”
When you follow Jesus, you will conquer and overcome all your crosses in life!
Now, as you take up your cross, keep your head up and look to Christ Jesus!

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