Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Let the Lord Take Control!

Let the Lord Take Control!

by Meanne M. Mijares
The Gospel according to John (11:1-17) last Sunday was about our Lord Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. For me, the turning point of the story was when the people were holding their breath when the Lord Jesus called out, “Lazarus, come forth!” This I believe that our Lord is in full control of our lives and in everything.
He is always there for us ready to comfort and guide us through it all. All we have to do is to simply believe in Him and He will do the impossible for us. He sees and knows everything more than we do. Because if we see and know everything, I am afraid that we are not capable of feeling and handling them altogether! That would be overwhelming and make us stressed out that we already forgot to live as we go through life! But only the Lord can. So it is better to leave it all up to Him.
There are things in life that are beyond our control-crimes, sickness, accidents, terrorism, death and even heartbreak. These situations can bring either the best or the worst in us. They can either cripple or paralyze us or may ennoble us to rise above trials of this sort.
If we wallow in too much self-pity, then we are not only building walls to isolate ourselves from the world, people most especially those who are dear to us but also burying ourselves in tombs of grief, pain, anger, fear and all sorts of negative emotions. It ain’t worth it! The Lord did not create us to be that way. He has something better in store! He wants us to evolve and be fruitful not to stagnate or deteriorate. Do not be an obstacle to the blessings that He has for each of us.
Today the Lord is calling us to come out of our tombs and walls that we have built and buried ourselves into for the longest time. He is calling us to leave these walls and tombs behind in order to move forward and live life with Him the excellent way He intended for us.
The Lord is calling you to rise from your fears, sorrows and pain. He will help you live a life with His guidance and direction.
Make a resolve from then on to LET THE LORD TAKE CONTROL! LET HIM MAKE ALL THINGS NEW FOR YOU-new blessings, direction, potentials, talents you never thought you had! Then sit back and bask in all the blessings that He is going to pour upon you!
And you will never be the same again!
Now, are you ready to come out of your tomb and break free from your walls and let Him take control?

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