Pope Francis, wearing a yellow raincoat, waves to pilgrims after holding a mass at Tacloban’s airport January 17, 2015. An emotional Francis, wearing a plastic poncho over his vestments to protect him from the wind and rain on Saturday, comforted survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines’ worst natural disaster that killed about 6,300 people 14 months ago. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj (PHILIPPINES – Tags: RELIGION ENVIRONMENT)
By Meanne M. Mijares
Two years ago, the apostolic visit of His Holiness Pope Francis was a resounding success. But what it made it more of a success was the words of wisdom that he imparted to us Filipinos-Catholic or not. I believe they will truly leave an indelible mark in our hearts as we do our best to put it into daily practice throughout our lives. My family only watched him on television but the impact of his presence and messages really blessed and inspired us as well.
I have compiled memorable and precious words of Pope Francis that connected well with me which am sure also to others as well. I consider it precious because they are simple but full of kindness and humility which brings power and inspires us to be better Catholics and transformed Christians. His mere presence had more meaning when he spoke these words. It would be wonderful if his words will inspire us to be an empowered people and a progressive nation firmly rooted with his teachings. These are words that does not come from him but from the One who sent him, his Vicar on earth, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Here is a favourite part of his speech he made before Malacanang top officials.
“Reforming the social structures which perpetuate poverty and the exclusion of the poor first requires a conversion of mind and heart… I hope that this prophetic summons will challenge everyone, at all levels of society, to reject every form of corruption which diverts resources from the poor, and to make concerted efforts to ensure the inclusion of every man and woman and child in the life of the community.”
If only our government leaders will heed this call from the Pope, progress and reform will not be far behind.
When he had an encounter with families at the Mall of Asia Arena, I was amazed to see the Pope’s romantic side. Being a true blue Latino, he is no different from us Filipinos because we are also a romantic people.
“How many solutions are found to family problems if we take the time to reflect, if we think of a husband or wife and dream about the good qualities that they have? Don’t ever lose the illusion of when you were boyfriend and girlfriend!”
As a woman, I was very pleased to hear this from our Pope himself. He is aware that women have rights and voices to be heard.
“Women have much to tell us. Women are capable of seeing things from a different angle with a different eye. Women are able to pose questions that men are unable to understand.”
He also has a big heart for the children and the youth and the tears they shed because of the problems and the trials of life.
“When we pose this question to us—why children suffer, why this or that tragedy occurs in life—our response must either be silence or a word that is born of our tears. Be courageous, don’t be afraid to cry.”
“Dear young boys and girls, today’s world doesn’t know how to cry.”
“There are certain realities we only see through eyes that are cleansed through tears.”
This one he really said it best.
“I want to encourage you to offer yourselves passionately to the great work of helping build a better world.”
He never underestimated the power of communication and information. He challenges us to use it wisely and inspires us to use it to become holy.
“Today, with so many means of communication we are overloaded with information. Is that bad? No. It is good and can help. But there is a real danger of living in a way that we accumulate information. We have so much information but maybe we don’t know what to do with that information. So we run the risk of becoming museums of young people who have everything but not knowing what to do with it. We don’t need young museums but we do need holy young people.
This one really got me and will surely heed to it wholeheartedly. What a powerful formula to make a difference! It’s about time that we should use our thoughts to unravel our potentials, to what we can contribute, use our hearts to do our mission and fulfil our purpose with passion and love, and to use our hands with fervor and perseverance so we can accomplish the goals that we set our minds and hearts into.
“Use the language of the mind, the heart and your hands. You must think, feel and do harmoniously.”
He also spoke about the true meaning of love.
“What is the most important subject you have to learn at university? What is the most important subject you have to learn in life? To learn how to love.”
“Real love is about loving and letting yourself be loved. It’s harder to let yourself be loved than to love. Real love is being open to the love that comes to you.”
“It is so difficult to come to the perfect love of God. It is important to let yourselves be loved by him.”
He also challenged us about surprises. Now I understand why he is called a Pope of Surprises.
“Allow yourselves to be surprised by God. Don’t be afraid of surprises. They shake the ground beneath our feet and make us insecure, but they move us forward in the right direction.”
He inspires us to practice the virtue of humility for us to show mercy and compassion to others.
“Let us not think that we know it all.”
I look forward that the words that he imparted to us will spark or ignite change that will reform and transform us not only to be better Filipino Catholics and citizens but also a country focused on God. I am hopeful that this will stir us as a people to this direction.
And finally, here is one more….
“I pray for you always. I pray for the family. I pray that the Lord may continue to deepen your love for the Lord and that His love will manifest itself in your love for one another and the Church… Pray for me. I badly need your prayers. I will depend on them always.”
We were blessed by God’s presence through Pope Francis. May we in return pray for him so that he will always be an effective instrument of God’s love, mercy and compassion.