Monday, December 17, 2018



StarsMeanne M. Mijares
We Filipinos have been used and accustomed to many important traditions during Christmas time. For me, the most special one is attending the Simbang Gabi, Misa de Gallo or Misa Aguinaldo. What is it, really?
The Simbang Gabi is a series of novena masses which starts on December 15 up to December 23 leading to Christmas Eve which annually takes place. Attending these masses for nine (9) consecutive days expresses deep devotion and faith in God and preparing for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This comes with the belief that holds dear to many of us that God will grant your requests and answer your prayers when you have completed all the nine day novena masses.
Simbang Gabi starts at three (3) a.m. while in other churches or parishes, it starts at 8 am or 7:30 am. After the Mass, all the faithful buy bibingka and puto bumbong in the stalls and happily munch on them in one corner or when they get home. It goes well with piping hot ginger brew or chocolate.
Looking back, I remember the time when I was a teenager waking up so early to attend the 9 Simbang Gabi masses in our parish before going to school. There were so many people carrying their various special intentions in their hearts. At that time, I just prayed hard to God that I may be able to graduate from high school and land a slot in my dream university. It did not take long for it to come true. Gratitude and joy filled only my heart. And from that time on and to this day, it has already become second nature to me. In return, I studied and worked hard while doing acts of kindness all throughout.
Simbang Gabi only happens once a year so there is nothing to lose if we sacrifice our time to rise from our sleep and go to mass. Many answered prayers were granted and dreams have been fulfilled one after the other since that first Simbang Gabi experience I had and through writing this article for this Christmas season for FilCatholic readers, I encourage you to do the same and make it a part of your Christmas activities.
Remember that in making your dreams and aspirations in life come to fruition, prayer is the key and best investment you will ever make. Through it, your faith in Him will be bolstered. This is one essential ingredient to make all our dreams happen most especially if you are losing hope and spiritually undernourished.
More than that, for me Simbang Gabi is an encounter with our Lord. Here is a poem that I have discovered through the internet and I would like to share it with you all.
May this poem guide you through in preparing for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ:
If You Look For Me At Christmas
…you won’t need a special star –
I’m no longer just in Bethelehem,
I’m right there where you are.
You may not be aware of me
amid the celebrations –
You’ll have to look beyond the stores
and all the decorations.
But if you take a moment
from your list of things to do
And listen to your heart, you’ll find
I’m waiting there for you.
You’re the one I want to be with,
you’re the reason that I came,
And you’ll find me in the stillness
As I’m whispering your name.
Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus Christ!
We are grateful for the gift of Your Presence, love and salvation!
Have a blessed and joyous Christmas season, dear FilCatholic readers!

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