Wednesday, June 20, 2018




by: Meanne M. Mijares
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love My son, Jesus.
John 17:23
I have always been Father, and will always be Father.  
Ephesians 3:14-15
Jesus answered: “Don’t you know Me, Philip?
Even after I have been among you such a long time?
Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.”
(John 14:9 NIV)
Every Father’s Day, we set a special Sunday aside to honor our beloved biological earthly fathers year after year. It is very important to honor your parents. To honor them means to love and respect them, of course that’s easy. Our Daddies including mine are great examples of our Lord Jesus. However, sometimes it may be really hard. There are some of us reading this who have never met their own fathers or left the family abode. Or maybe they have done terrible things and it’s hard to respect them or in my case like the others our fathers may have gone up to heaven to be our angels watching over us. No matter what, fathers are not perfect because of sin. Even some famous Biblical personalities who are fathers have made some very bad choices that hurt others.
But this Father’s Day, I would like to give a humble homage to our Creator of Heaven and Earth and the entire Universe, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ through this article. Honestly I do not know where to begin but as far as I know and believe, there is one Perfect Father out there. He is none other than our Heavenly Father. He is the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but He is our Father, too. 2 Corinthians 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion…” Who is this Father? Let’s see and explore through the Scriptures:
He loves us                                                                                                                  John 3:16
He cares for us                                                                                                            Mat 6:26
He forgives us                                                                                                             Psalm 103:12
He is compassionate                                                                                                  Psalm 103:45
He is giving and generous                                                                                         Romans 8:32
He is understanding                                                                                                   Psalm 139:1-2
He accepts us                                                                                                               Psalm 139:1-6
He alone satisfies                                                                                                         Psalm 107:9
He persistently pursues us                                                                                         Luke 19:10
He is a Father of reason                                                                                              Isaiah 1:18
He pardons                                                                                                                    Psalm 103:3
He heals                                                                                                                         Isaiah 53:5
He redeems                                                                                                                  Job 19:25
He is full of loving kindness                                                                                            Psalm 86:15
He renews                                                                                                                     Isaiah 40:31
He is righteous                                                                                                            Jeremiah 9:23-24
He is gracious                                                                                                              Ephesians 1:7-8
He is above all, sovereign                                                                                          Psalm 103:19
When my father passed away 9 years ago, I didn’t lose a father but I still have a father-our Almighty Father who always lives and knows no death. Through these biblical passages, I am beginning to feel secure and no longer alone. But here is one I find best of all because it sums up everything a perfect father should be. And if I come up with a classified ad for a daily broadsheet this would be a great fit. This one is from Psalm 103 in sections (verses 1-6, verses 7-12, and verses 13-19).
(Verses 1-6)
He has forgiven our sins.
He has healed diseases.
He has redeemed our lives (saved us!)
He has crowned us with love and compassion.
He has satisfied our desires with good things.
He is righteous.
He gives justice to the oppressed.
(Verses 7-12) He has led people throughout history.
He shows compassion and grace.
He is slow to anger.
He is love.
He does not treat us as our sins deserve.
(Verses 13-19) He has compassion on his children.
He made us.
He is forever.
His love is always with those who fear him.
His kingdom rules over all.
One reason we run away from God is because we fear Him but the truth is He has our best interests at heart. The Parable of the Lost Son Luke 15:11-32 New International Version (NIV)
lovingfatherGod shows His love for us through everything He does. Another word for love is compassion. Compassion is beautifully defined as Love in Action. It means to know that someone is sad and hurting and will do something about it. Our Heavenly Father is a Father of Compassion. He knows that this world is harsh and cruel… filled with diseases, sickness, sin, injustice, loneliness, and fear. But, as we learned today, He has revealed His love through the things that He does for us in our lives. How about you, have you accepted His love? Have you grown more like His love? Have you let Him love through you?
Our Lord Jesus Christ told us the Parable of the Prodigal Son that we might know God is always ready to welcome sinners when they truly repent. It is never too late to return to our Father in heaven. As our Savior, He came to save those who are lost. Let us return to and remain in Him in order to be redeemed.
In closing, let me leave you with the Father’s love letter which is an assemblage of interpreted Bible verses from both the Old and New Testaments that are organized in the appearance of a love letter from God to you and me:

Reflect on it very well and experience the deep divine love the Heavenly Father has for all of us, His beloved and precious children. Make Him the Lord of your homes. Love God with and in everything. Make Him a part of life’s rhythms and flows of your life in your homes. Remember no one loves us like our Almighty Father!
Dear Father, happy, happy, happy Father’s Month! May all fathers be wonderful, loving and compassionate as You. Amen.

Cassy's Chair is Meanne Mabesa Mijares new children's book!

Cassy is a cheerful and friendly girl. She is raring to have many friends in school. There is nothing wrong with that, actually. But her w...