Thursday, May 31, 2018

It's back to school and more!


Summer is almost over! It’s back to school season once again! I remember the time how every school year my parents, sister and myself would go to National Book Store to accomplish what’s in our checklists. We got the checklists from our school and make sure to follow it to the letter because it was so easy to get distracted by all the other “important” paraphernalia. My parents made sure to stick to the budget and only get what we need based on those lists. How excited we were for school back then! I remember how my mom covers our new notebooks, dictionaries and textbooks then help her out, how we pile our pens in our colorful pencil cases. How I love sniffing the pages of the new notebooks we purchased! We made sure to avoid the rush and get a better selection of school supplies by shopping early. Now I see parents with their own children and nothing has changed but if there is any, it is a wider range of choices of school supplies abound the place!
A new school year is a new beginning, of course. But more than that, spiritual support is indeed a must!
For you dear parents, here are six Bible (6) verses from author/speaker/storyteller Amelia Rhodes that you can pray over your children this coming school year:
S-elf-control 1 Peter 5:8 New International Version (NIV) “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
C-ourage Joshua 1:9 New International Version (NIV)
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
H-elp from the Holy Spirit “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.”
O-pportunities to do good Galatians 6:10 King James Version (KJV)
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
O-vercome evil Romans 12:21 “New International Version (NIV)
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
L-ove God and others Matthew 22:37-39 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
She further adds: “As I go about my day, I find myself praying like this, “Lord, wherever they are, whatever they are facing, help them to exercise self-control. May they have courage to stand up for what is right. May they know the help that comes from Your Holy Spirit. Help them to see the opportunities you place in front of them to do good. May they overcome evil through Your power. And above all, may they love You and love others today.”
It’s the best time to give children social and emotional skills to help them thrive in the face of life’s inevitable transitions whether your children are starting kindergarten, entering elementary, high school, or leaving the family nest for college, we invite you to bless them as they go out to face the real world.
First, ask how your child is feeling about going back to school. Some parents make the mistake of either filling their child with their own fears or telling them not to be scared about the first day. First, simply listen to your child’s inner thoughts and feelings. If they appear upset, suggest, “Many children feel sad or scared. Is that something that you’re feeling?”
Now reassure them. Once the feelings are out and have been normalized, your child can more easily hear your words of encouragement, comfort and reassurance things will be all right. Help them to reach out and re-connect with old friends before the first day back.
See Change as a Chance
Re-label those butterflies in their tummies. Even though it’s typical to have awkward feelings of expectation, the butterflies can also lightheartedly be regarded as “thrill” instead of apprehension.
Positive Thinking
Map out positive thinking. As much as possible, explore out the school and teacher ahead of time so your child can mentally rehearse what things will be like. Have them close their eyes at bedtime and imagine how their experience will be fun and positive.
Put back the School Routines
Re-establish routines. Offering a sense of security gives children a strong groundwork for facing the unknown. Keep things loving and positive, but with a return to the predictable routine. Sleep is crucial to reducing fears and prickliness. Spend a few days before the first day of school getting your child back on a reliable and fitting sleep schedule.
Create a Planning Ritual
Create a checklist of things to do way ahead of time, including purchases, and make it a cool and exciting adventure around decision-making. You can also avoid last minute panic by letting them have an early bath and early supper and of course arranging the backpack and placing out the first day’s special clothes the night before to avoid the horrendous traffic.
Talk about Your Own Experiences
Share your own experiences around transitions. It’s helpful for parents to teach by example. I remember how my late father used to share not only his childhood triumphs, but also times that, even as an adult, how he overcame his own fears and were able to face and handle big changes.
Teach Them
Train them to reach out. Children often wait for other kids to start contact rather than making the first move. Encourage them to smile, say “Hi” to those they know, and properly introduce themselves to the new kids at school. It is quite encouraging to use songs and activities to help them overcome doubt and shyness.
Deal with Your own Feelings
Don’t forget how emotionally attached and linked we are in families. Facing and constructively expressing your own feelings about your child’s shift provides them with a notable model for letting go, and also helps to clear some of your own tension that could otherwise affect them adversely.
Celebrate the Day
How about having a special healthy breakfast and end-of-the-day celebration for their accomplishment? Give yourself a pat on the back as well! You deserve it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Heartbreakthrough Book Signing at the 38th Manila International Book Fair

It was a great Saturday afternoon for a book signing event at the 38th Manila International Book Fair which was held at the SMX Convention Center SM MOA Complex. Here are some of the highlights: 

*Photos courtesy of Pam Mijares, sister of the author and Claretian Publications Ads and Promo Team 

Book Signing Poster courtesy of Claretian Publications 

The author with Ms. Sharon Joyce Valdez of All Around Pinay Mama 

Photo courtesy of Claretian Publications Ads and Promo Team 

With Ms. Jessa Pastilleros 

With Ms. Cha Ona 

With Ms. Cheryl Marie Mendiola 

To God be all the glory through our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

Heartbreakthrough Media Promotion and Features

Days before the official book launching, we were busy with the preparations. Promoting the book is part of it. Here are some of the highlights: 

We promoted the book at Barangay Simbayanan anchored by Ms. Angelique Lazo and Fr. Jeff Santos last August 22, 2017 Screenshot by Ms. Madz Arana, Senior Events Supervisor Ads and Promo at the Claretian Communications Foundation Inc..  (CCFI)
With the author is Ms. Geraldine Vireynato Special Projects-Events Coordinator, CCFI 

After the show group photo
Standing: Ms. Meanne Mabesa Mijares, author of Heartbreakthrough 8 Steps to Rise Above Heartbreak-The Lord's Way, Male guest and Ms. Geraldine Vireynato, Special Projects-Events Coordinator
Seated: Father Jeff Santos and TV/ Radio Personality Ms. Angelique Lazo 

Press release on the upcoming book launching was featured in the Philippine Daily Inquirer on August 24, 2017

It was first announced in the FilCatholic website on August 22, 2017 

Official Book Launching Poster 

February 18, 2018 
Live Studio Guesting at DZMM 630 Teleradyo's Salitang Buhay 
Post Valentine Episode/Heartbreakthrough Book Promotion 
Paano Mahihilom ng Diyos ang Isang Broken-Hearted?
Airs on Sundays 9 pm tp 10 pm 
Hosted by 
Father Bel San Luis, SVD
Father Jerome Marquez, SVD
Ms. Ilsa Reyes 

Chat time with one of Salitang Buhay's anchors Ms. Ilsa Reyes, a good friend and fellow author 

Photo credit Mrs. Greta Mijares, mother of the author 

The author reviewing her talking points before going live on air 

Opening Spiel
Photo Credit Ms Ilsa Reyes 

Father Bel San Luis, SVD and Ms. Ilsa Reyes 

The author with Father Jerome Marquez, SVD 

After the show group photo
From L-R: Father Jerome Marquez, SVD, Tirso Aguirre, Pam Mijares, sister of the author, Mrs. Greta Mabesa Mijares, mother of the author, Ms. Meanne Mabesa Mijares, author of Heartbreakthrough 8 Steps to Rise Above Heartbreak The Lords's Way, Ms. Ilsa Reyes, author and motivational speaker and Father Bel San Luis, SVD 


Monday, May 21, 2018

Spotlight on: HEARTBREAKTHROUGH Book Launching and Book Signing

Although I started out as a children's book author, I would also like to write about things pertaining to inspirational and spirituality, explore family life, ministry and the youth. This is my first inspirational book titled Heartbreakthrough 8 Steps to Rise Above Heartbreak-The Lord's Way with the Foreword written by Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD. The book was published by the Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc., and released on April 2017. The book was officially launched on August 26, 2017. Thank You so much Lord Jesus Christ and Mama Mary for Your wonderful blessings!!!!! 

Through my blog, I would like to share with you all the event highlights of the book launching and signing event. 

Photo Credits: Pam Mijares, sister of the author, Claretian Publications Ads and Promo Team, Ms. Christine Carlos 

Official Book Launching Poster 

Invitation Front cover

Invitation Back cover

The author and her mother entering the venue 

Author poses with the event tarpaulin 

Official tarpaulin 

Registration table 

The author with her mother Mrs. Greta Mabesa Mijares and sister Pam

The author poses with Ms. Madz Arana, Senior Events Supervisor. Ads and Promo of the Claretian Communications Foundation Inc., (CCFI) and Ms. Geraldine Vireynato, Events Coordinator for Special Projects also from CCFI

Author with her friends 

Program Emcee Ms. Ma. Rosario K. Garcia  

INVOCATION led by Ms. Geraldine Vireynato, Special Projects-Events Coordinator- Claretian Publications  

You may wish to click on the book review made by Ms. Sharon Joyce Valdez's All Around Pinay Mama Blog 

Meet the people who contributed generously to the book blurbs 

Here is the video message featuring his talk on the book: 

Ms. Christine Carlos, events host, singer, actress and commercial model renders an inspirational song O Hesus Hilumin Mo at the launch 

Photo Courtesy of Ms. Christine Carlos 

Photo courtesy of Claretian Publications' Ads and Promo Department 

The book is now available at  all Claretian outlets and National Book Store branches nationwide for only Php 199.00! 
You may click here to order online: 

Cassy's Chair is Meanne Mabesa Mijares new children's book!

Cassy is a cheerful and friendly girl. She is raring to have many friends in school. There is nothing wrong with that, actually. But her w...